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Showing posts from April, 2017

Eggcellent Easter

Benjamin and Alexander - we loved the Easter cards you both made for us.  The little springy animals inside, a master of engineering and ingenuity.  You were so excited at having Easter eggs for breakfast, to only find out that chocolate first thing in the morning, might not be such a great idea at it seems.  You both did a pretty good job though of polishing off your eggs before lunch time.....  Mum & Dad. XXXX

Little treats

Daniel Micheal Attridge, we love the little treats you give us now and again.  Today, your little note was lovely.  It's a joy to see and your brothers happy in what you are doing (today drawing ((you and Alex)) and playing minecraft ((Ben, of course!!)) it can only bring a smile to our faces.   The fact today the sun was shining, doors open and the dog wandering around you could say it made for a perfect Sunday morning.  

Creative minds :)

Alex and Daniel, what a brilliant brilliant idea from you both.  We love it, especially on the bottom of each of them - one day are you going to be an Internet entrepreneur Mr Alex.


Daniel Attridge, at the age of 4 you are currently a 'little sausage' - which is our way of describing a Tasmanian Devil, a little whirl wind of energy.  Packing for our trip to Bath tomorrow, opening your suitcase we find Bunny (of course) and your certificate from school -  telling us what a little star you were in class. Both the suitcase and the certificate brought a smile to Mummy's and my face.  We love you so much. XXX


Benjamin, Distinction in grade 3 trumpet.  Amazing young man.  Mum had to leave the exam centre as she was so nervous for you.  Not sure if you'll remember having pizza by the river afterwards, our relief that the exam was over was immense..  looking across the table at you, headphones on, probably watching Pokemon all taking it in your stride.  So proud of you.