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Showing posts from 2020

Love you

All..... Mum & Dad XXX

Devon heaven

Each year we come and stay in Hope Cove, this year more than most it has been a welcome break.  Covid 19 is still very much at large, with social distancing and restrictions meaning it was touch and go if we could even make the journey. Thankfully restrictions have lifted and here we all are for 3 weeks.   Boys - we hope you will have fond memories of these holidays, time to play and pretty much do nothing giving a break from the busy time we all have the rest of the year.   Lemmy, your paddle boarding is ace. Dan, anti - zombie sandcastles are the best and Ben, well - we would let you just eat ice cream and sweets all day but that would just be bad parenting..... Sophie - always lovely to see you :)  and wish you could stay longer (P.s - happy birthday Lemmy)

Game of two halves

Ben, Alex and Daniel. A day of two halves today Fun in the park, taking you all for a scooter.  Despite young Alex losing your temper at tennis - I wonder if you will ever remember throwing the tennis ball at Bens head?   It was a great shot by the way..... At the park - sweets, tree climbing and a bit of scootering I’m glad I took you all to the park now - despite the earlier little loss of temper.... Until Getting into the car and some argument over doors, seats and young Alex and Daniel are causing all sorts.  Banging the car door - that’s the end of the day for everyone. Oh how I wish we could have a day of ‘normal’ :) All was not lost. All forgiven, big roast dinner and lollies to finish the day Love you all Dad

The ideas man

Love this Ben!
The Three A’s Alex Attridge Awesome
Attridge boys.  You do not know it now but you have lived through a really monumental world event with Covid-19. Through these bleak times, a future unknown you have shone.  It’s been an absolute pleasure to spend this extra time with you. We pray the future for your all is one that is positive, that you do not have to go through such trauma and drama.... Daniel - you bringing me this while I was working just made my day. Thank you.

The Artist

Alex - awesome! Being selected to exhibit your art at Chigwell is such an achievement. Mum and dad , very proud